FreeBSD/i386 4.8-RELEASE Release Notes

  The FreeBSD Project

   Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by The FreeBSD Documentation Project

   $FreeBSD: src/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/common/new.sgml,v 2003/03/22 00:12:50 bmah Exp $

   The release notes for FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE contain a summary of the changes
   made to the FreeBSD base system since 4.7-RELEASE. Both changes for kernel
   and userland are listed, as well as applicable security advisories for the
   base system that were issued since the last release. Some brief remarks on
   upgrading are also presented.


   Table of Contents

   1 Introduction

   2 What's New

                2.1 Kernel Changes

                             2.1.1 Processor/Motherboard Support

                             2.1.2 Boot Loaders

                             2.1.3 Network Interface Support

                             2.1.4 Network Protocols

                             2.1.5 Disks and Storage

                             2.1.6 Filesystems

                             2.1.7 PCCARD Support

                             2.1.8 Multimedia Support

                             2.1.9 Contributed Software

                2.2 Security Advisories

                2.3 Userland Changes

                             2.3.1 Contributed Software

                             2.3.2 Ports/Packages Collection

                2.4 Release Engineering and Integration

   3 Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD


                                 1 Introduction

   This document contains the release notes for FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE on the
   i386 hardware platform. It describes new features of FreeBSD that have
   been added (or changed) since 4.7-RELEASE. It also provides some notes on
   upgrading from previous versions of FreeBSD.

   This distribution of FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE is a release distribution. It can
   be found at or any of its mirrors. More information
   on obtaining this (or other) release distributions of FreeBSD can be found
   in the ``Obtaining FreeBSD'' appendix in the FreeBSD Handbook.


                                  2 What's New

   This section describes the most user-visible new or changed features in
   FreeBSD since 4.7-RELEASE. Typical release note items document new drivers
   or hardware support, new commands or options, major bugfixes, or
   contributed software upgrades. Security advisories for the base system
   that were issued after 4.7-RELEASE are also listed.


2.1 Kernel Changes

   A new in-kernel cryptographic framework (see crypto(4) and crypto(9)) has
   been imported from OpenBSD. It provides a consistent interface to hardware
   and software implementations of cryptographic algorithms for use by the
   kernel and access to cryptographic hardware for user-mode applications.
   Hardware device drivers are provided to support hifn-based cards (hifn(4))
   and Broadcom-based cards (ubsec(4)).

   Initial support has been added for FireWire devices (see firewire(4)).

   Support for the CanBe power management controller has been added.

   The ubsa driver has been added to support the Belkin F5U103 (and
   compatible) USB-to-serial adaptors.

   The uftdi(4) driver, to support FTDI USB-to-serial devices, has been


  2.1.1 Processor/Motherboard Support

   FreeBSD now has rudimentary support for HyperThreading (HTT). SMP kernels
   with the HTT kernel option will detect and start up the logical processors
   on HTT-capable machines. The logical processors will be treated like
   additional physical processors for the purposes of process scheduling.


  2.1.2 Boot Loaders

   The PC98 bootloader now has support for booting from SCSI MO media.


  2.1.3 Network Interface Support

   The cm driver now supports IPX.

   The nge(4) driver now supports network device polling(4).


  2.1.4 Network Protocols

   A FAST_IPSEC kernel option now allows the IPsec implementation to use the
   kernel crypto(4) framework, along with its support for hardware
   cryptographic acceleration. More information can be found in the
   fast_ipsec(4) manual page.

     Note: The FAST_IPSEC and IPSEC options are mutually exclusive.

     Note: The FAST_IPSEC option is, at the moment, not compatible with IPv6
     or the INET6 option.

   A gre(4) driver, which can encapsulate IP packets using GRE (RFC 1701) or
   minimal IP encapsulation for Mobile IP (RFC 2004), has been added.

   A bug in TCP NewReno, which caused premature exit from fast recovery with
   NewReno enabled, has been fixed.

   The IP fragment reassembly code behaves more gracefully when receiving a
   large number of packet fragments (it is designed to be more resistant to
   fragment-based denial of service attacks).


  2.1.5 Disks and Storage

   The ata(4) driver now supports accessing ATA devices as SCSI devices via
   the CAM layer and drivers (cd(4), da(4), st(4), and pass(4)). This feature
   requires device atapicam in the kernel configuration. More information can
   be found in atapicam(4).

   The matcd(4) driver has been removed due to concerns over its licensing
   terms. These issues are being addressed and this driver may reappear in a
   future release of FreeBSD. (This removal actually occurred in 4.7-RELEASE,
   but was not mentioned in the release notes.)

   The targ(4) driver has been rewritten and a new usermode has been added to
   /usr/share/examples/scsi_target that emulates a direct access device.

   The trm driver has been added to support SCSI adapters using the Tekram
   TRM-S1040 SCSI chipset.


  2.1.6 Filesystems


  2.1.7 PCCARD Support


  2.1.8 Multimedia Support


  2.1.9 Contributed Software

   IPFilter has been updated to 3.4.31.


2.2 Security Advisories

   Buffer overflows in kadmind(8) and k5admin have been corrected. More
   details can be found in security advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:40.

   Multiple vulnerabilities in BIND have been fixed, as described in

   A file descriptor leak in the fpathconf(2) system call, which could allow
   a local user to crash the system or cause a privilege escalation, has been
   fixed. More details can be found in security advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:44.

   A remotely exploitable vulnerability in CVS has been corrected with the
   import of version 1.11.5. More details can be found in security advisory

   A timing-based attack on OpenSSL, which could allow a very powerful
   attacker access to plaintext under certain circumstances, has been
   prevented via an upgrade to OpenSSL 0.9.7. See security advisory
   FreeBSD-SA-03:02 for more details.

   The security and performance of the ``syncookies'' feature has been
   improved to decrease the chance of an attacker being able to spoof
   connections. More details are given in security advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:03.

   A remotely-exploitable buffer overflow vulnerability in sendmail has been
   fixed by updating sendmail to version 8.12.8. For more details, see
   security advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:04.

   A bounds-checking bug in the XDR implementation, which could allow a
   remote attacker to cause a denial-of-service, has been fixed. For more
   details see security advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:05.

   Two recently-publicized flaws in OpenSSL have been corrected. For more
   details, see security advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:06.


2.3 Userland Changes

   burncd(8) now accepts a value of max for its -s option to set the drive's
   maximum write speed.

   cdcontrol(1) now supports a speed command to set the maximum speed to be
   used by the drive (the maximum possible speed can be selected setting the
   speed to max).

   The compat4x distribution now includes the and
   libraries from FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE.

   The fwcontrol(8) utility has been added to help users access and control
   the FireWire subsystem.

   ftpd(8) now supports a -h option to disable printing any host-specific
   information, such as the ftpd(8) version or hostname, in server messages.

   ftpd(8) now supports a -P option to specify a port on which to listen in
   daemon mode. The default data port number is now set to be one less than
   the control port number, rather than being hard-coded.

   ftpd(8) now supports an extended format of the /etc/ftpchroot file. Please
   refer to the ftpchroot(5) manpage, which is now available, for details.

   ftpd(8) now supports login directory pathnames that specify simultaneously
   a directory for chroot(2) and that to change to in the chrooted
   environment. The /./ separator is used for this purpose, like in other FTP
   daemons having this feature. It may be used in both ftpchroot(5) and

   The getconf(1) utility has been added. It prints the values of POSIX or
   X/Open path or system configuration variables.

   ipfw(8) now supports enable and disable commands to control various
   aspects of the operation of ipfw(4) (including enabling and disabling the
   firewall itself). These provide a more convenient and visible interface
   than the existing sysctl variables.

   make(1) now supports a -C flag to change to a given directory before
   building its target(s).

   mount_nfs(8) now supports a -c to avoid doing a connect(2) for UDP mount
   points. This option must be used if the server does not reply to requests
   from the standard NFS port number 2049 or if it replies to requests using
   a different IP address (which can occur if the server is multi-homed).
   Setting the vfs.nfs.nfs_ip_paranoia sysctl to 0 will make this option the

   newsyslog(8) now supports a W flag to force previously-started compression
   jobs for an entry (or group of entries specified with the G flag) to
   finish before beginning a new one. This feature is designed to prevent
   system overloads caused by starting several compression jobs on big files

   The pathchk(1) utility, which checks pathnames for validity or portability
   between POSIX systems, has been added.

   pw(8) can now add a user whose name ends with a $ character; this change
   is intended to help administration of Samba services.

   rarpd(8) now accepts a -t flag to specify an alternative directory to

   The base64 capabilities of uuencode(1) and uudecode(1) can now be
   automatically enabled by invoking these utilities as b64encode(1) and
   b64decode(1) respectively.

   The definitions of the standard file streams (stdin, stdout, and stderr)
   have changed so that they are no longer compile-time constants. Some older
   binaries may require updated 3.X compatability libraries (for example, by
   setting COMPAT3X=yes for a buildworld/installworld).


  2.3.1 Contributed Software

   BIND has been updated to version 8.3.4.

   All of the bzip2 suite of applications is now installed in the base system
   (in particular, bzip2recover is now built and installed).

   CVS has been updated to 1.11.5.

   FILE has been updated to 3.41.

   groff and its related utilities have been updated to FSF version 1.18.1.

   Heimdal Kerberos has been updated to 0.5.1.

   The ISC DHCP client has been updated to 3.0.1RC11.

   libz has been updated to 1.1.4.

   OpenSSH has been updated to 3.5p1.

   OpenSSL has been updated to release 0.9.7a. Among other features, this
   release includes support for AES and takes advantage of crypto(4) devices.

   sendmail has been updated to version 8.12.8.

   tcpdump has been updated to version 3.7.2.

   The timezone database has been updated to the tzdata2002d release.


  2.3.2 Ports/Packages Collection

   The one-line pkg-comment files have been eliminated from each port
   skeleton; their contents have been moved into each port's Makefile. This
   change reduces the disk space and inodes used by the ports tree.


2.4 Release Engineering and Integration

   The supported release of GNOME has been updated to 2.2.

   The supported release of KDE has been updated to 3.1.

   The supported release of XFree86 has been updated to 4.3.0.


                 3 Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD

   If you're upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, you generally will
   have three options:

     * Using the binary upgrade option of sysinstall(8). This option is
       perhaps the quickest, although it presumes that your installation of
       FreeBSD uses no special compilation options.

     * Performing a complete reinstall of FreeBSD. Technically, this is not
       an upgrading method, and in any case is usually less convenient than a
       binary upgrade, in that it requires you to manually backup and restore
       the contents of /etc. However, it may be useful in cases where you
       want (or need) to change the partitioning of your disks.

     * From source code in /usr/src. This route is more flexible, but
       requires more disk space, time, and technical expertise. More
       information can be found in the ``Using make world'' section of the
       FreeBSD Handbook. Upgrading from very old versions of FreeBSD may be
       problematic; in cases like this, it is usually more effective to
       perform a binary upgrade or a complete reinstall.

   Please read the INSTALL.TXT file for more information, preferably before
   beginning an upgrade. If you are upgrading from source, please be sure to
   read /usr/src/UPDATING as well.

   Finally, if you want to use one of various means to track the -STABLE or
   -CURRENT branches of FreeBSD, please be sure to consult the ``-CURRENT vs.
   -STABLE'' section of the FreeBSD Handbook.

     Important: Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after
     backing up all data and configuration files.


     This file, and other release-related documents, can be downloaded from

     For questions about FreeBSD, read the documentation before contacting

   All users of FreeBSD 4-STABLE should subscribe to the 
                                 mailing list.

       For questions about this documentation, e-mail .