================================================================== CrazyWWWBoard 98 Professional Edition Powered by Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ================================================================== C O N T E N T S 1. License Agreement 2. Software & Contact Information 3. Registration 4. Installation 5. Usage 6. Frequently Asked Questions +-----------------------------------------------------+ | I. License Agreement | +-----------------------------------------------------+ I-1. General Information (1) 'CWB 98 PE' is a commercial software. (2) This agreement doesn't transfer any copyright of 'CWB 98 PE', but allow a user to use this software. (3) This agreement is in effect since a user install 'CWB 98 PE', and is allowed to use after making a full payment. (4) A user should get a permission from 'Nobreak' to distribute or resell modified 'CWB 98 PE' I-2. Permission A user can (1) install and use 'CWB 98 PE'' onto a server which is within a network. (2) make a copy of 'CWB 98 PE' for backup. (3) distribute unmodified copies of 'CWB 98 PE' unlimitedly. However, all the copyrights are reserved by 'Nobreak'. And distributed 'CWB 98 PE' should contain components of below. 1) Notification of ShareWare 2) This agreement 3) Notification that all the copyrights of 'CWB98PE' are reserved by 'Nobreak'. (4) If a user who got a copy of 'CWB 98 PE' agree to this agreement and make a full payment, he or she can use 'CWB 98 PE'. I-3. Limitation (1) A registered user can modify source code of 'CWB 98 PE' and included files(HTML, txt, image) only to meet the server environment. In other case, a user should get a permission from 'Nobreak'. (2) A user should get a permission to lend or lease 'CWB 98 PE' or to create a new software based on CWB 98 PE'. I-4. Warranty 'Nobreak' (1) warrant only registered copies of 'CWB 98 PE'. (2) is trying to patch bugs of 'CWB 98 PE'. I-5. Limitation of compensation The compensation from 'Nobreak' cannot exceed to the shareware price of 'CWB 98 PE'. I-6. Copyright and patent Nobreak and official suppliers have the copyright of 'CWB 98 PE'. 'CWB 98 PE' is protected by Korean and international copyrights and patent laws. +------------------------------------------------------+ | II. SOFTWARE & CONTACT INFORMATION) | +------------------------------------------------------+ II-1. Software Information) - Name : CrazyWWWBoard - Version : 98 Professional Edition II - Type : Common Gateway Interface - Use : Web based Public Bulletin Board, Public Morgue - Platform : All kind of UNIX - Distributer : Nobreak Technologies, Inc. - Distribute site : http://cwb98.cgiserver.net II--2. Contact Information * American and Other english user - Purchase information : sales@nobreak.com - Technical contact : support@nobreak.com * Korean user - Purchase information : sales-kr@nobreak.com - Technical contact : support-kr@nobreak.com * Japanese user - Purchase information : sales-jp@nobreak.com - Technical contact : support-jp@nobreak.com +-----------------------------------------------------+ | III. Download and Registration | +-----------------------------------------------------+ III-1. Download from web site. More information is available at the following site. - http://cwb98.cgiserver.net III-2. Asking by Email If using web is not applicable ask by email. - English User : sales-en@nobreak.com - Korean User : sales-kr@nobreak.com - Japanese User : sales-jp@nobreak.com +-----------------------------------------------------+ | IV. Installation | +-----------------------------------------------------+ IV-1. Download package Download at the following sites. - http://cwb98.cgiserver.net - ftp://ftp.cgiserver.net There are two kinds of packages and the only difference between them is the compression methods. - CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar.gz (gzip compression) - CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar.Z (compress compression) And a precompiled binary file which meets the most used platforms' environment is available. - CrazyWWWBoard-98PE-export-PLATFORM.tar.Z - ex) CrazyWWWBoard-98PE-export-sparc_sun_solaris_2.6.tar.Z caution) binary package contains only executable files, so download a full package, too. * A new software will have bugs. To patch bugs packages can be repacked and the version will be named by following rule.. - CrazyWWWBoard-98PEx.tar.Z ('x' is a lower case and start from 'a'.) IV-2. Uncompression First of all, move the package to temporary directory on the system. Home directory should be O.K. Uncompress according to following steps. 1) Uncompress CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar.gz $ ls CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar.gz $ gunzip CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar.gz $ ls CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar $ tar xvfp CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar ./CrazyWWWBoard-98PE/... 2) Uncompress CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar.Z $ ls CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar.Z $ uncompress CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar.Z $ ls CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar $ tar xvfp CrazyWWWBoard-98PE.tar ./CrazyWWWBoard-98PE/... caution) Unix system is case sensitive * Precompiled binary users should install full package first, and then move the binary package to the CrazyWWWBoard-98PE directory and uncompress. Then perform the Install-sh. $ mv CrazyWWWBoard-98PE-export-sparc_sun_solaris_2.6.tar.Z $ uncompress CrazyWWWBoard-98PE-export-sparc_sun_solaris_2.6.tar.Z $ tar xvfp CrazyWWWBoard-98PE-export-sparc_sun_solaris_2.6.tar If you install binary package, bin directory will be created under the CrazyWWWBoard-98E directory and compiled CGI will reside in the bin directory. (Same result as you perform Compile-sh) IV-3. Compiling & Installation To compile CWB, a C Compiler is necessary. If your system doesn't have a C Compiler, you should either get a binary package, or install C Compiler. Installation will be completed by compiling and installing. Just perform two scripts which exist on the CrazyWWWBoard-98PE directory. - Compile-sh (Compile Wizard) - Install-sh (Install Wizard) Refer to following steps. $ cd CrazyWWWBoard-98PE $ ls -asCF Install-sh* cwb-4.0/ qDecoder-4.1/ Compile-sh* adm-1.0/ cwb-data/ conf/ gdbm-1.7.3/ #################################################################### ## Messages... ## #################################################################### Press ENTER to continue... --[ Checking required system tools ]-------------------------------- Checking *C compiler : /usr/bin/gcc Checking *make utility : /usr/bin/make Checking *ar utility : /usr/bin/ar Checking crpyt library : 'libcrypt.a' not found. But it's OK. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Looks good... --[ Checking required directory ]----------------------------------- Checking directory : 'gdbm-1.7.3' OK. Checking directory : 'qDecoder-4.1' OK. Checking directory : 'adm-1.0' OK. Checking directory : 'cwb-4.0' OK. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Looks good, too... From now we will try to compile whole sources and libraries to ma- ke executable CGI binaries. Are you ready? Press ENTER to continue... --[ Compiling whole sources ]--------------------------------------- . . . --[ Copying CGI binaries ]------------------------------------------ Creating 'bin' directory. Copying 'adm-1.0/CrazyAdmin.cgi' -> 'bin/CrazyAdmin.cgi' Copying 'cwb-4.0/CrazyWWWBoard.cgi' -> 'bin/CrazyWWWBoard.cgi' Adjusting permission to 6755 : 'bin/CrazyAdmin.cgi' Adjusting permission to 6755 : 'bin/CrazyWWWBoard.cgi' -------------------------------------------------------------------- --[ SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED : Compile-sh ]--------------------------- . . (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ls -asCF Install-sh* cwb-4.0/ qDecoder-4.1/ Compile-sh* adm-1.0/ cwb-data/ conf/ gdbm-1.7.3/ bin/ (Compile-shÈÄ »ý¼ºµÊ) $ ls -asCF ./bin CrazyAdmin.cgi* CrazyWWWBoard.cgi* If Compile-sh is done successfully, Install-sh should be performed to install the package. Before performing Install-sh, you should decide the directory in which CGI and referred files(cwb-data) reside. When you perform Install-sh, you will be asked to input these two. If you input appropriate for your server environment, installation will be completed as following. ex) CGI-BIN : /home/nobreak/public_html/cgi-bin (Account user) /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin (Server administrator) ex) D A T A : /home/nobreak/public_html (Account User) /usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs (Server administrator) +--[ Directory Hierarchy ]----------------------------------+ | | | /.../cgi-bin/ -+- CrazyAdmin.cgi | | +- CrazyAdmin.conf | | +- CrazyWWWBoard.cgi | | +- CrazyWWWBoard.conf | | | | /.../public_html/cwb-data/ -+- data/ | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ +- icon/ | | or htdocs +- icon-type/ | | (Created automatically) +- logs/ | | +- message/ | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Install-sh will ask a user to modify two items of CrazyWWWBoard.conf after completing installation. (Install-sh will ask you if it calls the editor.) - RealBasePath - HtmlBasePath RealBasePath is the systemic absolute path of cwb-data(Install-sh creates) which you can see when you use pwd command under the cwb-data on the unix shell. If you input /home/nobreak/public_html, when you are asked to input DATA directory, RealBasePath will be /home/nobreak/public_html/cwb-data. So you should modify as following. - RealBasePath = /home/nobreak/public_html/cwb-data HtmlBasePath is the absolute path of cwb-data based on HTTP Document Root.. You can get this path by subtracting domain from cwb-data URL. ex) Internet URL -> http://cwb98.cgiserver.net/~nobreak/cwb-data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HtmlBasePath -> /~nobreak/cwb-data Processing should be same as followings. $ ./Install-sh (´ë¼Ò¹®ÀÚ ±¸º°) #################################################################### ## Messages... ## #################################################################### Do you accept all the terms of the license agreement? [y/n] : y --[ Checking CGI's Permission ]------------------------------------- Checking CGI : 'bin/CrazyAdmin.cgi' OK. Checking CGI : 'bin/CrazyWWWBoard.cgi' OK. --[ Checking directories ]----------------------------------------- Checking... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Looks good... From now we will try to install. Answer to the questions please. @ You need to enter the full path of the directory where your CGI programs are kept. This directory must exist! o INPUT -> /home/nobreak/public_html/cgi-bin______________________ @ You need to enter the full path of the directory where your HTML document kept. We will create 'cwb-data' directory under this directory and we will copy our stuff under 'cwb-data'. o INPUT -> /home/nobreak/public_html______________________________ @ Do you must use 'CGIWrap' to execute CGIs ? - Yes, I must use CGIWrap : [y] (Generally NOT) - No, I don't think so : [n] (Almost Case) If you don't understand this meaning, choose 'n'. o INPUT -> [n] @ Which language do you use familiar? We support below languages. English : [en] , Korean : [kr] , Japanese : [jp] o INPUT -> [kr] -------------------------------------------------------------------- Now we will do below things to install. [ CGI-BIN ] : /home/power/nobreak/public_html/cgi-bin [ CWB-DATA ] : /home/power/nobreak/public_html/cwb-data [ CGIWrap ] : Do not use 'CGIWrap'. [ Language ] : kr -------------------------------------------------------------------- All looks good? [y/n] : y . . --[ SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED : Install-sh ]--------------------------- May I call 'vi /..../cgi-bin/CrazyWWWBoard.conf'? [y/n] : y [vi editor display / before modify] RealBasePath = /ABSOLUTE_SYSTEM_PATH/cwb-data HtmlBasePath = /ABSOLUTE__HTML__PATH/cwb-data [vi editor display / after modify] RealBasePath = /home/nobreak/public_html/cwb-data HtmlBasePath = /~nobreak/cwb-data :wq (vi editor save command) Good bye our respect customer. $ After completing installation, check whether the directory structure is same as mentioned above. IV-4. Test After installation, there are two CGI in the cgi-bin directory, purposes of each CGI are same as following. - CrazyAdmin.cgi (Administration menu, creates DB and configure the most environments of CWB) - CrazyWWWBoard.cgi (Executable part, used as 'CrazyWWWBoard.cgi?db=DB_NAME') First of all, run CrazyAdmin.cgi to create test DB named test. - ex) http://DOMAIN/~nobreak/cgi-bin/CrazyAdmin.cgi Follow Step 1 - Setp 5. [__] : input window , [XXX] : button ==[CrazyAdmin.cgi Step 1]================================================= CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P a s s w o r d : [****___________] [ E N T E R ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== Default password is set to '0000'. After type 0000 click {ENTER} button. ==[CrazyAdmin.cgi Step 2]================================================= CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------+----+------------------+---------------+--------------+------+ | | | Articles | Statistics | | | |DB Name|Type+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+ Options |Remove| | | |Total|Today|Upload|Total|Day|Today| | | +-------+----+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+--------------+------+ | T O T A L | 0| 0| 0.0M| 0| 0| 0| Powered by Nobreak | +------------+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+ Technologies, Inc. | | [test____] | [CREATE NEW DATABASE] | [Reload]| +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+ [CHANGE PASSWORD] [MODIFY MESSAGES] [GLOBAL CONFIGURATION] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== Create new DB by typing 'test', DB name in the input window and clicking the [CREATE NEW DATABASE] button. caution) You cannot use blank, dot, comma, hyphen, and under bar for DB name. You can use only alphabet(case sensitive) and numbers. ==[CrazyAdmin.cgi Step 3]================================================= CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------+----+------------------+---------------+--------------+------+ | | | Articles | Statistics | | | |DB Name|Type+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+ Options |Remove| | | |Total|Today|Upload|Total|Day|Today| | | +-------+----+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+--------------+------+ | test |emty| 0| 0| 0.0M| 0| 0| 0| [V][S][C][s] |[L][D]| +-------+----+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+--------------+------+ | T O T A L | 0| 0| 0.0M| 0| 0| 0| Powered by Nobreak | +------------+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+ Technologies, Inc. | | [________] | [CREATE NEW DATABASE] | [Reload]| +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+ [CHANGE PASSWORD] [MODIFY MESSAGES] [GLOBAL CONFIGURATION] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== If new DB test is created, configure following items of test DB by clicking [CONF] button. ==[CrazyAdmin.cgi Step 4]================================================= CrazyWWWBoard 98 Professional Edition ------------------------------------------------------------ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Web Board Information | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | New Password : [******__] Re-enter Password : [******__] | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Administrator Contact Information | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Administrator Name : [Seung-young, Kim_______________] | | Administrator Email : [nobreak@nobreak.com____________] | +----------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------ [Reset] [ S a v e ] [List] ========================================================================== Keep the default values only except above items and then click the [Save] button to save configuration. Tip) If you call the CWB without configure DB, administration menu appears automatically, in 10 seconds with welcome message. This is useful when the web administrator is different from DB administrator. Because the DB administrator can configure the DB without running CrazyAdmin.cgi. ==[CrazyAdmin.cgi Step 5]================================================= CrazyWWWBoard 98 Professional Edition ------------------------------------------------------------ [Admin] [Statistics] Searched Articles : 0/0 , Pages : 0/0 +----+---+--------------------------+--------+------+------+ | No |(c)| S u b j e c t | Name | Date | Hits | +----+---+--------------------------+--------+------+------+ ------------------------------------------------------------ Name o [Home] [Help] Subject x [______] [Go!!] [Write] [Reload] Text x (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== If you can see the menu without problems such as broken ions, installation is successful. Now you can use CWB by inserting HTML tag in the HTML page or inputting following URL in the input window of browser. - HTML TAG : Bulletin Board ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Browser Location : http://DOMAIN/~nobreak/cgi-bin/CrazyWWWBoard.cgi?db=test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ caution) Remember that CrazyAdmin.cgi is the tool for the administrator and CrazyWWWBoard is the CGI for the users. Each DB has different administrator and passwords. If a DB administrator lose the password then the administrator can change password in the CrazyAdmin.cgi. +-----------------------------------------------------+ | V. Usage | +-----------------------------------------------------+ V-1. Directory structures cgi-bin/ cwb-data/ -+- data/ +- message/ +- icon/ +- icon-type/ +- logs/ * cgi-bin directory - CrazyAdmin.cgi : CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center CGI - CrazyAdmin.conf : CrazyAdmin.cgi configuration file - CrazyWWWBoard.cgi : CrazyWWWBoard CGI - CrazyWWWBoard.conf : CrazyWWWBoard.cgi configuration file * cwb-data/data directory - DB_NAME.gdbm : CWB DB file - DB_NAME : directory where uploaded files to DB are saved * cwb-data/message directory - htmlhead.html : HTML header of CWB - htmltail.html : HTML footer of CWB - mailhead.txt : Header of email - mailtail.txt : Footer of email - help*.* : HELP file to which help icon is linked * cwb-data/icon directory - *.gif : Icon which is used for CWB * cwb-data/icon-type directory - *.gif : File type displaying Icon in the CWB * cwb-data/logs directory - adm_access_log : CrazyAdmin.cgi access log - adm_error_log : CrazyAdmin.cgi error log - error_log : CrazyWWWBoard.cgi error log - access_log.DB_NAME : DB access log - error_log.DB_NAME : DB error log V-2. CrazyAdmin.cgi usage ==[CrazyAdmin.cgi main window]============================================ CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------+----+------------------+---------------+--------------+------+ | | | Articles | Statistics | | | |DB Name|Type+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+ Options |Remove| | | |Total|Today|Upload|Total|Day|Today| | | +-------+----+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+--------------+------+ | down | pub| 422| 42|894.5M| 3211|320| 611| [V][S][C][s] |[L][D]| +-------+----+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+--------------+------+ | faq |emty| 0 | 0 | 0.0M| 0| 0| 0| [V][S][C][s] |[L][D]| +-------+----+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+--------------+------+ | qna | pub| 1213| 15| 7.6M|10627|664| 466| [V][S][C][s] |[L][D]| +-------+----+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+--------------+------+ | T O T A L | 1635| 97|902.1M|13838|984| 1077| Powered by Nobreak | +------------+-----+-----+------+-----+---+-----+ Technologies, Inc. | | [________] | [CREATE NEW DATABASE] | [Reload]| +------------+----------------------------------+---------------------+ [CHANGE PASSWORD] [MODIFY MESSAGES] [GLOBAL CONFIGURATION] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== * [CREATE NEW DATABASE] button A new DB is created by inputting a new DB name in the input window. If you input unallowed characters(other than A-Z, a-z, 0-9), you will see the error message, 'Only regular expression(0-9, A-Z, a-z) is allowed for the database name.' * Options Ç׸ñ [V] button (VIEW) : shows DB [S] button (STAT) : shows access statistics of DB [C] button (CONF) : shows configuration menu of DB [s] button (SYNC) : reorganizes DB caution) SYNC reorganizes DB. You don't have to use it, however you can increase the CWB performance a little bit, if you use SYNC when every 10,000 articles are added to DB. Frequent reorganization is not recommended, though it doesn't harm to DB. Even if you never reorganize, there will be no problem. * Remove items [L] Button (LOG) : deletes DB's log. Log will be initialized. [D] Button (DB) : deletes DB(including log, uploaded files and reference files) * [CHANGE PASSWORD] Button changes the password of CrazyAdmin.cgi Password is save in the CrazyAdmin.conf after coded. Though, password is save after coded, it is recommended to keep file permission 0600, to prevent other users' accessing. $ ls -al CrazyAdmin.conf -rw------- 1 nobreak power 13 Mar 28 15:32 CrazyAdmin.conf ==[CrazyAdmin.cgi password change window]=================================== CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +----------------------------------------------+ | C h a n g e P a s s w o r d | +-------------------+--------------------------+ | New Password | [******________________] | +-------------------+--------------------------+ | Re-enter Password | [******________________] | +-------------------+--------------------------+ [ APPLY NEW PASSWORD ] [Back] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== * [MODIFY MESSAGES] Button ==[Change CrazyAdmin.cgi message window]==================================== CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | System Default HTML Messages | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | CWB Output | BROWSER TITLE | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | +----------------------------------------------------++ | | HTML Header| | Contents of 'cwb-data/message/htmlhead.html' || | | | +----------------------------------------------------++ | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | CWB Output | Main Contents HERE | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | +----------------------------------------------------++ | | HTML Tailer| | Contents of 'cwb-data/message/htmltail.html' || | | | +----------------------------------------------------++ | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | CWB Output | | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | System Default Email Messages | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | +----------------------------------------------------++ | |Email Header| | Contents of 'cwb-data/message/mailhead.html' || | | | +----------------------------------------------------++ | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | CWB Output | Contents of article HERE | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | | +----------------------------------------------------++ | |Email Tailer| | Contents of 'cwb-data/message/mailtail.html' || | | | +----------------------------------------------------++ | +------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ [ SAVE MESSAGES] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== 'System Default HTML Messages' will be used as a header and footer when the CWB displays HTML files such as article list. CWB Output part will be generated automatically by CWB. ex) HTML Header
CrazyWWWBoard 98 Professional Edition

ex) HTML Tailer
(c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc.
'System Default Email Messages' is the header and footer of Email sent to the article poster. ex) Email Header + New article is posted. ex) Email Tailer + Powered by Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ==[Example]============================================================= + New article is posted. -- [ Article Information ] ------------------------------------------ Name : Seung-young, Kim (mailto:nobreak@nobreak.com) Subject : Re: It's lunch time!!! View : http://..../CrazyWWWBoard.cgi?db=cwb&mode=read&num=45 Reply : http://..../CrazyWWWBoard.cgi?db=cwb&mode=reply&num=45 Attached : http://..../cwb-data/data/announce/pizza.jpg (24 kbytes) -- [ Contents ] ----------------------------------------------------- Me too! Yoon, Cho wrote: > I'm so hungry. ---[ End ] ---------------------------------------------------------- + Powered by Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== Tip) Each DB can use different HTML header and footer. In this case, CWB will not use the header and footer of system, but those of DB. Email header and footer works same way. Tip) You can get the same result by directly editing the reference files which reside under the cwb-data/messages/ directory on the shell. * [GLOBAL CONFIGURATION] Button This is the menu to modify CrazyWWWBoard.conf which is the configuration file of CWB. You will get the same result by using 'vi CrazyWWWBoard.conf' command on the shell. ==[CrazyAdmin.cgi Message Modification Window]=============================== CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Global Configuration | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +---------------------------------------------------------------++ | | | Contents of 'cgi-bin/CrazyWWWBoard.conf' || | | | || | | | ex) ElementName = ValueString || | | | AllowUpload = true || | | +---------------------------------------------------------------++ | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ [ SAVE CONFIGURATION] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== Modify each elements, referring the annotation. Most Elements are setup to adequate to the most systems' environments. Following elements are most important ones. ('*'marked elements should be confirmed) * RealBasePath : System path of cwb-data directory * HtmlBasePath : HTML path of cwb-data directory - DefaultCharSet : Character set of client which will display CWB output. * DefaultTitle : Title shown on the browser - AllowUpload : Prohibit uploading - UploadLimit : Limit the uploding file size. - AllowDBhtml : Prohibit using different HTML Headers & Tailers of each DB. - HiddenAdminLink : Hiding the Admin icon from the CWB article list. - HiddenStatLink : Hiding the Statistics icon from the CWB article list. - HiddenHelpLink : Hiding the Help icon from the CWB article list. - AllowDBmail : Prohibit using different Email Headers & Tailers of each DB. * SendmailDirectory : System path where 'sendmail' program resides. * MailOrganization : Organization name added to Email V-3. Using CrazyWWWBoard.cgi First of all, create a DB using 'CrazyWWWBoard Administrative Center'(CrazyAdmin.cgi), then insert link of bulletin to the html files. Add following link to your HTML files. - Board - Board Adding a link is the final stage of work. From now on, you will read the shape and functions of bulletin. ==[CrazyWWWBoard.cgi?db=DB_NAME Example]=============================== CrazyWWWBoard 98 Professional Edition ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Admin] [Statistics] Searched Articles : 110/110 , Pages : 20/22 +----+---+---------------------------+-----------------+---------+----+ | No |(c)| S u b j e c t | Name | Date |Hits| +----+---+---------------------------+-----------------+---------+----+ | 15 | # |+ I need qDecoder | Yoon, Cho |Mar 23,98| 75 | +----+---+---------------------------+-----------------+---------+----+ | 14 | # | + Re: I need qDecoder | Gyu-sang, Cho |Apr 08,98| 8 | +----+---+---------------------------+-----------------+---------+----+ | 13 | @ | - Re: Here it is... | Jin-soo, Park |Apr 12,98| 22 | +----+---+---------------------------+-----------------+---------+----+ | 12 | # | - Re: I need qDecoder | Young-phil, Kim |Apr 09,98| 3 | +----+---+---------------------------+-----------------+---------+----+ | 11 | @ |- Photo of Jailman pants | Chang-gyun, Doo |Feb 23,98| 18 | +----+---+---------------------------+-----------------+---------+----+ [1][Prev]-[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]-[Next][22] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name o [Home] [Back] [Help] Subject x [______] [Go!!] [Backward] [Forward] Text x [Write] [Reload] (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== Tip) CWB shows extra info using a status bar of the Browser. If you point a title, following info will be displayed on the status bar. - Physical number 14 , Virtual number 8, Included 32 lines This means that the article's sequence number in the DB is 14, that the article's displayed order is 8th (Because some articles are deleted) and that the article contains 32 lines. * [Admin] Link Leads to the DB Admin menu. The same menu which you get by clicking [CONF] button in the CrazyAdmin.cgi. You can configure DB two ways as mentioned above. If you want to configure the DB only in the CrazyAdmin.cgi(want to delete Admin icon), set HiddenAdminIcon to true in the Global Configuration Menu of CrazyAdmin.cgi. * [Statistics] Link Shows the statistics of DB. If you don't want users to access the statistics, set the HiddenStatIcon to true in the global Configuration of CrazyAdmin.cgi. * Searched Articles : Meaning of 110/110 First 110 is the number of searched articles, next 110 means the number of total articles. If a user doesn't use search window, these two values are same. However, when a user use search windows that value will be changed like 23/110. * Pages : Meaning of 20/22 20/22 means that the total page is 22 and current page is 20th page of 22. * [Home] Link Leads to the home page which is configured in the DB Admin menu. If that window is blank, icon will be hidden. * [Back] Link Leads to the back page which is configured in the DB Admin menu. If that window is blank, icon will be hidden. Tip) Don't input same URL to the back icon and home icon. This may make users confused. Back link is designed to be used only if the home page URL is different from that of the URL of the page where the bulletin is linked. * [Forward], [Backward] Link Link to previous(-1) page and next(+1) page. * [Write] Link Leads to writing a new article screen. * [Reload] Link Displays the very first page of articles. This function is same as a user connect to bulletin. This is useful when a user want to read all the articles, during read searched articles using search window. * Using search window Parallel searching by name(&file name), title, text is possible. If you click the 'Search' button after type a word which you want to read, all the articles which contain that word. For example, if you want to search articles whose text or title contain the word 'nobreak', CWB lists articles which contain the word 'nobreak' and the text color of 'nobreak' is red.(No case sensitive, nobreak is same as NOBREAK) Searching by name searches writer name and file name together. Therefore, search engine will list the article which S. Y. Kim wrote and the article which contain attached file, 'kim.jpg'. Hint) If you want to search by only file name, then select name and then input "." (dot, general file name is FILENAME.EXT, so a dot is exists) in the search window. If you want to search a file whose extension is GIF, input ".gif" in the search window. Caution) CWB doesn't support extended search. When a user input 'bulletin management' CWB search only look for a string 'bulletin management', while other search engine look for 'bulletin' and 'management' or 'bulletin' or 'management'. ==[Writing an article window]================================================= CrazyWWWBoard 98 Professional Edition ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Name | [Seung-young, Kim________] | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | E-Mail | [nobreak@nobreak.com_________________] | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Subject | [Nobreak Technologies, Inc.__________] [******__] | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Attach Text | [C:\DOC\News.txt_________] [BROWSE...] | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | +----------------------------------------------------------------++ | | | Dear sir. || | | | ..... || | | | Thank you. || | | +----------------------------------------------------------------++ | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Upload Binary | [F:\IMAGE\smile.gif______] [BROWSE...] | +---------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ S u b m i t ] [List] (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== Password will be asked when a writer modify or delete that article later. If password window is blank, that article can be deleted by only the administrator. Attach Text function is to attach a general text file(can be shown by Notepad.exe). A attached text will be attached below written text. The main purpose of this function is avoid 'Copy' and 'Paste' using clipboard. Upload Binary function is to attach any kinds of files such as image, music, document files. These files are downloadable and shown as 'Download : XXXX'. CWB add mime type to this. If a attached file is a image file(gif, jpg), CWB will show that file, or a sound clip(wav, mid) or motion image file(mov, avi), CWB will play it, or a text file, CWB will show first some lines of it. A user can declare a new mime type in the Global configuration of CrazyAdmin.cgi, though most types are declared already. Tip) You will find that the name input window and Email input window are already filled with your name and Email address or other's name and Email address. This is due to the 'Cookie function' to avoid input same info repeatedly. Once a user write a article, the name and Email address are saved in the user's browser and next time, CWB call that name and Email address. This is very useful, however if CWB is installed in the shared computer such as school lab's, this function make confusion. In this case, set 'CookieEnable' to 'False' not to use cookie. Following is a example. ==[Example]========================================================== CrazyWWWBoard 98 Professional Edition ----------------------------------------------------------------------- March 27, 1998 (14:36) from nobreak.nobreak.com Written by Seung-young, Kim (nobreak@nobreak.com) Hits:22 , Lines:4 +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Nobreak Technologies, Inc. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Download : smile.gif (3 Kbytes) | | ----------------------------------- | | +----------------------+ | | | oOOOo IMAGE SHOW | <- Uploaded image | | | OOOOO S/m/i/l/e | | | +----------------------+ | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dear sir. | | .... | | Thank you | | *Attached text 'News.txt' will be appeared here. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Modify] [Delete] [Write] [Reply] [Backward] [Forward] [List] (c) Nobreak Technologies, Inc. ========================================================================== * [Modify] [Delete] Link Is used when you modify or delete an article. If you didn't input password, when you write that article, only the DB administrator's password is valid. Caution) If you try to modify an article, you can modify text and add a new attached text, but you cannot replace a uploaded file with a new one. In order to replace a uploaded file with a new one, you should delete that article and write a new one. If you have an authority to access CWB on the shell, you can overwrite the attached file with a new one. In this case, CWB will work without any problem, but the file size will be changed. This method can be used to upload a big file. First, upload a small file to CWB and then replace it with a big one. However, this method is a temporary expediency and is not recommended. * [Write] [Reply] Link Is used to write or reply to an article. There are two reply mode such as date mode and thread mode, this mode is set in the DB admin window. In the date mode, articles will be sorted by the date, while replies are shown below the original article, in the thread mode. * [Backward] [Forward] Link Leads to the previous / next article. Tip) If you point [Backward] [Forward] icon, the title of previous / next article will be displayed in the browser's status bar. * [List] Link Leads to the list screen. This doesn't reload CWB, but shows a list which is cached in the browser. (If not cached, reload CWB) The reason why list link is more effective than back button of browser is as followings. If a user read No. 10 article and then No. 11, No. 12 using a forward link, he or she should click back button several times to go back to list screen, but he or she can go back to list screen by clicking a list link only once. Tip) If an article is read, the counter will be increased by one. However, the counter will not be increased if you click a list button, because List button shows a cached list. I don't think it is a good idea that Reloading CWB in order to increase a counter hits. ==[DB Admin Menu]====================================================== CrazyWWWBoard 98 Professional Edition ------------------------------------------------------------ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Web Board Information | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | ... | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Administrator Contact Information | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | ... | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Article Configuration | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | ... | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | User Interface | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | ... | +----------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------ [Reset] [ S a v e ] [List] ========================================================================== I designed commonly applied functions to be configured in CrazyWWWBoard.conf(Global Configuration) and individually appled functions depending on DBs to be configured in each DB's Admin Menu. Password, Administrator's Name, and Administrator's Email address should be configured and you can use default values of other than above three. + Web Board Information ('*'marked item should be input) * New Password, Re-enter Password Setup DB Administrator's password. (Max. 8 digit) If password is setup already, new password will be setup. This password will be used for authentification. - Browser Title Message which will be used the title of Client(User)'s browser. (Tip) This configuration is invalid if HTML Header and Tailer is set to 'own html'. - Title Message Bulletin message on the upper part of a bulletin board. - HomePage URL, Target The Homepage address linked by 'Home' icon on the lower left part of a bulletin board. If you leave it blank, icon will be hidden. Target is the frame name where the homepage is displayed when 'Home' icon is clicked. Following is the usage example. - Back URL, Target Same concept as the HomePage URL. Only difference is that the icon is 'Back' icon. This is useful when the Homepage address is different from the webpage where the CWB is linked. Using same address for the HomePage URL and Back URL makes user confused. If you leave it blank, icon will be hidden. + Administrator Contact Information * Administrator Name Type DB Administrator's name. * Administrator E-mail Input the administrator's Email address. - Mail to Administrator Decides whether sending an Email to administrator when an article is posted. - Mail to Poster Decides whether sending an Email to the original poster when a reply is posted. In other word, when somebody replay to an article written by A, decides whether sending an Email to A or not. - Language Decides the language which is used for CWB. Korean, English and Japanese are supported. (Tip) This doesn't mean the language that is written by posters. Even if the Language is set to English, a user can write an article in Korean. This means that the titles such as 'Subject' 'Hits' can be displayed with different language. - Character Set Decides the character set which is used for displaying the posted article. You may leave blank, but I recommend you to appoint one among English 'so-8859-1', Korean 'euc-kr', or Japanese 'x-sjis'. This appointing display following extra tag. (Caution) This appointing may causes redraw depending on browsers. (Caution) This is not valid, if HTML Header and Tailer is set to 'own html'. - List Order Decides the list order or articles. By date : Display from the newest article. (Commonly used) By thread : Same as 'By date' except the reply is displayed next to the original article. - Underlined Link Decides whether underline links. Caution) Some browsers may not support this function. - Name First Decides whether put the name before or after the title on the article list screen. - Article Number Decides whether display the article ID on the article list screen. - Virtual Number Decides whether show a physical ID or a logical ID. A Logical ID means the numbered ID increased from 1. (Caution) If article Number is set to disable, this function is not valid. - Folder Icon Decides whether show directory buttons in front of the title. There are three kinds of buttons, one is 'Open type' which indicate that there is a thread, another is 'Close type' which indicates that there is no thread, the other is 'New type' which indicates that the article is posted recently. - IP Address This function is useful, when you want to allow anonymous posting. If you set 'enable' CWB won't show nor record the user's host IP address. When it is enable, old articles won't be shown, either. Therefore, you cannot trace the IP address later. - File Upload Decide whether CWB allow uploading files. When this function is set to enable, uploading window is added to the write screen. - File type Icon Decides whether the reference icon is shown on the article list screen or not. When it is set to enable and the uploaded file is a jpg image file, jpg icon will be shown in front of the article. - Link Target This is valid only if CWB is used in frame. When a user click a link in an article, this option decides that show the contents whether in full screen or in the frame. (Caution) Only if HTML Mode is Auto Link, it isn't valid. - Post Permission Decides allow whether everybody or the only administrator to be able to write an article. If this is set to admin only, then administrator should pass the password authentification to write an article. - HTML Mode Decides that CWB whether accepts or ignore that HTML tag in the article. If set to 'Ignore HTML & Auto Link' HTML code is ignored and URL is linked automatically. If URL, 'http://www.nobreak.com' is in the article, that URL will be linked and a email address such as hjkwon@nobreak.com will be linked, too. (Caution) In 'Accept HTML' mode false using tags may cause errors and nothing is displayed on the screen. I recommend using 'Ignore HTML & Auto link'. - Hide Search Decide whether hide a search window on the bottom of article list screen. - High Light Article Is the function that display a New type icon in front of a recently uploaded file. The period is between 0 - 5 days. (Caution) This function is invalid, if file type icon is set to disable. - Articles / Page Decides how many articles are shown in one page. * User Interface / Common - Font Size Decides the font size of article. (Tip) In English and Korean, General(font size 2) is mostly used, and in Japanese Big(font size 3) is mostly used. - Table Width Decides the width of table. You can select among the fixed measurement by pixel or relative measurement by %. (Tip) Table Width : [700______] Table Width : [80%_____] - HTML Header, Tailer Decides using whether the system default header and tailer or the following HTML header and tailer for CWB. (Caution) If this is set to 'own html', 'Browser Title', 'Title Message' and 'Character Set' configuration will be ignored. Therefore, you should tag above fact to HTML Header and Tailer by your self. - HTML Header, HTML Tailer When HTML Header and Tailer is set to 'own html', the tag which is typed here will be used. Following is a example. (Ex) HTML Header +----------------------------------------------------------------------------++ | || | || | Browser Title || | || | || | || | || |
|| | Title Message
|| +----------------------------------------------------------------------------++ (Ex) HTML Tailer +----------------------------------------------------------------------------++ |
|| | || | || +----------------------------------------------------------------------------++ * User Interface / List Module - Border Size Is the width of table border and decided on the article list screen. - Long Subject Decides whether CWB cut off the rest of title or return to the new line, when the title is too long to display in one line. - Title Font Color, Title Bg Color, Article Font Color, Article Bg Color Decides the font color and background color. (EX) Title Font Color : [#00FFAB__] Title Font Color : [GREEN____] Title Font Color : [#bc2244__] Title Font Color : [blue_____] * User Interface / Read Module - Title Border Size Decides the width of title border on the read screen. - Text Border Size Decides the width of text border. - Title Font Color, Title Bg Color, Text Font Color, Text Bg Color Decides the font color and background color. + User Interface / Write Module - Title Font Color, Title Bg Color Decides the font color and background color. - Default Subject Is the predefined sentence which is displayed in the title window. (Ex) Default Subject : [Input the title here] - Default Text Is the predefined sentences which is displayed in the text window. (Ex) Default Text +-----------------------------------------------------------++ | 1. Product Code : || | 2. Address : || | 3. Zip Code : || +-----------------------------------------------------------++ * User Interface / Email Module - Email Header, Tailer Decides to use whether the system default header and tailer or following Email header and HTML railer. When CWB sends Emails to a administrator and a user after an article is posted. (Ex) If MailToAdmin and MailToPoster is set to disable, this function is not valid. - Email Header, Email Tailer When 'Email Header, Tailer' is setted by 'own signature', this string will be used instead of 'system default'. (¿¹Á¦) Email Header +----------------------------------------------------------------------------++ | + New article is posted || | || +----------------------------------------------------------------------------++ (¿¹Á¦) Email Tailer +----------------------------------------------------------------------------++ | + Powered by Nobreak Technologies, Inc. || | || +----------------------------------------------------------------------------++ +-----------------------------------------------------+ | VI. Frequently Asked Questions | +-----------------------------------------------------+ Q-1. I can see only broken characters when I run CrazyAdmin.cgi or CrazyWWWBraod.cgi. A. When HTTP Daemon(Web Server) denies the CGI execution, that problem occurs. In that case, ask a server administrator to setup followings. Set any file whose extension is 'cgi' to be run on any directory. [Apache HTTPd] conf/srm.conf AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .cgi AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Permit CGI to be run on the specific directory. [ApacheNCSA HTTPd] conf/access.conf ## permit /home/ACCOUNT user to run CGI. Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymLinks ~~~~~~~ Q-2. When I run CrazyAdmin.cgi, I found following error message. Access logging(/ABSOLUTE_SYSTEM_PATH/cwb-data/logs/adm_access_log) fail. A. Modify following parts of CrazyWWWBoard.conf. - RealBasePath - HtmlBasePath Q-3. When I run CrazyAdmin.cgi, I found following error message. Error !!! DataBase Access Error : File open error A. Check if that Database is registered. Q-4. I can see only broken icons. A. When 'HtmlBasePath' of CrazyWWWBoard.conf is configured incorrectly or cwb-data is not installed on the HTML document directory, that problem occurs. Q-5. When I tried to download a uploaded file, I can see only the broken characters. A. Register a mime type to the web server. For example, if broken characters are displayed when you download a file whose extension is hwp, register a mime type to the mime type configuration file on the web server as following. - application/x-hwp hwp Q-6 I lost DB Admin password. A. Call that DB admin menu of CrazyAdmin.cgi using [Conf] button, then change passwords and save. Q-7 I lost the master password of 'CrazyAdmin.cgi'. A. Overwrite CrzayAdmin.conf with conf/CrazyAdmin.conf-dist, then you can access using password '0000'. Q-8. I am a old version(3.x , 2.x) user. Can I use my DB with CWB. A. Move all the files in the wwwboard/data/ directory to cwb-data/data directory, then change owner and group into those of CrazyAdmin.cgi. Follow following steps. $ mv wwwboard-3.x/data/* cwb-data/data/ $ cd cwb-data/data $ chown -R OWNER * $ chgrp -R GROUP * (Caution) You may need superuser(root) authority. Q-9. Existed DB is compatible between heterogeneous systems? A. A DB should be converted to be used in the heterogeneous system. Firstly, install tranDB package on both systems where 'http://cwb98.cgiserver.net' then convert DB and port. Q-10. I want to email new article to multiple users. A. Create a mailing list and input that list in the 'Mail To Administrator' window of DB Admin menu. For example, Supposing that you want to email a new article to nobreak@nobreak.com and einheit@nobreak.com, and the mailing list address is all@nobreak.com, you can configure as following. (Two commonly used methods will be introduced.) Firstly, use alias function of sendmail. (You need superuser authority) $ vi /etc/mail/aliases (ATT Compatible, ex:Solaris) $ vi /etc/aliases (BSD Compatible, ex:Linux) all: nobreak@nobreak.com einheit@nobreak.com :wq! $ newaliases (Apply changed aliases file) In the case of saving mailing list in an external file. $ vi /etc/mail/aliases all :include:/maillist/all.list :wq! $ vi /maillist/all.list nobreak@nobreak.com einheit@nobreak.com :wq! $ newaliases Second method is useful for the general users who don't have a superuser authority. In this case, you need one extra email address. Supposing that the email address is all@nobreak.com, create a forward file then, type the email address. $ telnet nobreak.com login:all password:xxxxxx $ cd (change directory into your home directory) $ vi .forward nobreak@nobreak.com einheit@nobreak.com :wq! +-----------------------------------------------------+ +------------------ E N D --------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------+